Plougmann Vingtofts eksperter høster stor anerkendelse fra IAM Patent 1000

IAM Patent 1000 har netop offentliggjort dette års guide over verdens førende eksperter inden for IP-rådgivning, og hele ti af Plougmann Vingtofts patentrådgivere bliver fremhævet for deres ekspertise. Samtidig opnår Plougmann Vingtoft endnu engang en flot topplacering blandt de allerbedste IP-rådgivningsvirksomheder.  

Hvert år frigiver ranking-magasinerne deres guides over verdens førende IP-rådgivningsvirksomheder og -rådgivere, og IAM Patent 1000s patentguide anses som en af de mest betydningsfulde. Guiden er baseret på en omfattende undersøgelse, og inkluderer blandt andet dybdegående interviews med forskellige specialister og fagfolk samt kunder fra hele verden. 

Plougmann Vingtoft fastholder i 2023 sin flotte topplacering i ’guld’-kategorien for ’patent prosecution’, og hele ti eksperter fremhæves som enten ’highly recommended’ eller ’recommended individuals’. Om de ti eksperter udtrykker IAM Patent 1000:

Electrical expert Michael Friis Sørensen is easy to collaborate with. He reacts promptly and always offers pragmatic follow-ups. He is renowned for his ability to take the input from clients’ engineering departments and formulate it into a patent, while simultaneously creating a set of claims that best protect their IP rights.

Mechanics ace Claus Elmeros draws on a storied IP career to provide patrons with early-stage evaluations and assistance throughout the patent cycle. A testament to his capabilities, he is not only called upon as an expert witness but also serves as a technical judge at the Maritime and Commercial High Court as well as the Western and Eastern High Courts in Denmark.

Technology and software expert Per Jørgen Nygreen is a prime choice for those in the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, software and mechanics sectors. Combining an academic background in the commercial sector and extensive experience working with fluid dynamics, Nygreen offers bespoke strategies that account for complex technical details and the patron’s business needs.

Head of opposition and litigation, Kim Wagner is easy to work with, creative and pugnacious in the best way possible. Highly experienced, he adapts and adjusts to the requirements of each client, while ensuring that realistic expectations have been set.”

Often called upon by those in the pharmaceuticals and agriculture sector, Christian Christiansen offers expertise in the identification of inventions, managing global patent portfolios and filing SPCs. A familiar face before the Opposition Division and the Boards of Appeal at the EPO, no case is too complex for this master strategist.

Jakob Schwalbe Lohmann remains up to speed with trends and case law within the field. His work in early-stage evaluations and international portfolio management has attracted an array of names from globe-spanning companies to universities and hospitals. He has also carved a niche for himself among those in the plants and biological processing industries seeking patentability advice.

Katja Sørensen is highly experienced in the fields of food, agriculture and chemistry. With a keen business understanding, she regularly assists local and international patrons with IP strategy and the best way to capitalise on and commercialise their IP rights.

SPC filing and prosecution head Jan Mondrup Pedersen is a trusted practitioner for universities, and is regularly enlisted by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as those within the food and animal feed industry. Through his research, Pedersen has gained key insight into various medical fields such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and diabetes.

Physicist Peter Sørensen identifies complex details and transforms them into successful strategies in oral proceedings before the DKPTO and the EPO. He is a safe bet for those in sectors related to mechanics, electronics, nanotechnology and computer-implemented inventions.

Making his debut in the guide this year is inorganic and materials chemistry expert Matteo Biancardo. Fluent Italian, English and Danish, and co-inventor on various patent applications, Biancardo is the partner of choice for those in the renewable energy, electrochromic, photochromic and nanoelectronics industries.

Stort tillykke til alle de anbefalede eksperter.

IAM Patent 1000s fulde liste over anbefalede IP-eksperter og -rådgivningsvirksomheder kan ses her.

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