Det britiske ranking-institut, IAM Patent 1000, har netop offentliggjort årets guide over verdens førende IP-rådgivningsvirksomheder- og rådgivere, og igen er Plougmann Vingtoft at finde blandt de bedste. Ligeledes bliver ni af Plougmann Vingtofts patentrådgivere fremhævet for deres ekspertise.

IAM Patent 1000s patentguide anses som en af de mest betydningsfulde guides over de absolut førende eksperter inden for patentrådgivning. Guiden er baseret på en opfattende undersøgelse, der strækker sig over lang tid og blandt andet inkluderer dybdegående interviews med forskellige specialister og fagfolk fra hele verden.
Plougmann Vingtoft har igen i år opnået en flot topplacering i ’guld’-kategorien for ’patent prosecution’ og bliver blandt andet beskrevet som en meget velorganiseret virksomhed, der fungerer som en forlængelse af forretningen, når det kommer til strategiske IP diskussioner. Den ros er vi meget stolte over at få.
Stor anerkendelse til ni eksperter
Hvert år fremhæver IAM Patent 1000 også individuelle eksperter på hver deres fagområde, og igen i år bliver ni af Plougmann Vingtofts patentrådgivere anerkendt som ’recommende individuals’. IAM Patent 1000 udtrykker følgende om de ni eksperter:
Heading up the opposition and litigation unit, Kim Wagner knows everything there is to know about opposition proceedings and has a flawless track record at the EPO. He is counsel of choice to the likes of Nestlé, for whom he has brought home one win after another.
IAM Patent 1000
An authority in the food and agriculture sectors, and a trained chemist, Katja Sørensen eagerly shares and disseminates her knowledge on all the practicalities of preparing an application, which is extremely valuable to small companies. Her technical input makes inventions stand out sharper, and her informal personality, efficient approach and willingness to give proper feedback make a difference.
As a named co-inventor on several patents, Jakob Schwalbe Lohmann relates to innovators and entrepreneurs, and guides them through the patenting process with ease. He has recently been devising patent strategies for Blue Cell Therapeutics (…)
Jan Mondrup Pedersen is phenomenal when it comes to biotechnology matters; he is technically brilliant, gets to grips with complex inventions quickly and has a profound knowledge of EPO case law.
For Statens Serum Institute, Christian Christiansen has been busy beefing up its patent portfolio on a global scale and is a discerning choice for those looking to prosecute SPCs in the pharmaceutical and agricultural fields.
Devising long-term and large-scale strategies comes naturally to Per Jørgen Nygreen, whose previous positions at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Belgium and at the Technical University of Denmark inform his business-savvy advice.
Peter Sørensen is a skilled practitioner and tremendous adviser, whose insights into his clients’ business processes and key research areas ensure that his guidance really aligns with their industry and company objectives.
Electrical engineer Michael Friis Sørensen is the resident acoustics guru. He has carved out a niche in audio processing and communications systems where he produces flawless patent applications.
Senior patent attorney Claus Elmeros acquits himself with distinction when evaluating patentability and, as a testament to his technical prowess, he regularly serves as a court-appointed expert, and also holds post as a technical judge at the Maritime and Commercial High Court as well as the Western and Eastern High Courts.
Stort tillykke til de anbefalede eksperter.
Se den fulde liste fra IAM Patent 1000 her.
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Plougmann Vingtofts rådgivere er eksperter inden for håndtering, beskyttelse, kommercialisering og strategisk anvendelse af IPR (Intellectual Property Rights).
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